Join Us!

Participate, Learn, Have Fun, Volunteer!

There are lots of ways to get involved with AdventureCORPS, so here are some suggestions for joining us! AdventureCORPS is for all who are dedicated to adventure, insight, and energy!

AdventureCORPS is a fast-moving organization which is constantly "out there"—producing events, publishing articles, supporting charitable and environmental efforts, drumming up media coverage about our events and the athlete-adventurers who do them, and much more. Through it all, the people of AdventureCORPS are themselves also regularly participating in races, expeditions, and other adventurous pursuits. We walk our talk and we love sharing all of this with all of you!

In our day-to-day life, we are dedicated to many things, especially our Prime Directive: "To Seek and Share Adventure." Besides producing world-class events, we also do this by providing useful, inspiring, and entertaining information - plus insights, kudos, and encouragement - through our websites, our two blogs, and our email newsletter. So, if you really want to stay in touch with, and in the loop about, this whirlwind of high-energy activity and the "ever onward and upward" lifestyle that defines AdventureCORPS, here's your Ten Step Program:

  1. Subscribe to our email newsletter (stay tuned for the new subscription link).
  2. "Like" our Facebook pages: Badwater page | The 508 page | AdventureCORPS page
  3. Subscribe to our Twitter feeds: @adventurecorps | @Badwater | @chriskostman
  4. Subscribe to our four Instagram image feeds: @chriskostman | @BadwaterHQ | @adventurecorps | @RokkorPro
  5. Subscribe to our Flickr image feeds: @chriskostman | @adventurecorps
  6. Subscribe to our Rough Riders Cycling Blog via email or RSS feed.
  7. Learn The AdventureCORPS Way from The Write Stuff and Downloads.
  8. Support one or more of our Official Charities and/or Environmental Efforts.
  9. Volunteer at one or more of our events (see below).
  10. Participate in one or more of our events.
  11. Tell a friend!

Volunteer with AdventureCORPS!
We can only put these events on with the help of loyal, trustworthy, motivated individuals running the checkpoints along the way and providing roving SAG support along the route. To provide a little incentive, we offer one free entry into the Death Valley Century and Double Century, Hell's Gate Hundred, or Mount Laguna Bicycle Classic (or a $100 credit towards one of the other events, good for one year) if you volunteer. If you are available to lend a hand at one of our events behind the scenes (not on a support crew), please use the Volunteer Form to let us know. Thanks in advance!

Support an Athlete at Badwater Ultramarathon or Silver State 508
Our Badwater 135 Ultramarathon and Silver State 508 events generally have the same race staff each year, so we are not actively soliciting volunteers for those races. However, both events always have entrants in need of dedicated support crew help, providing you with a great opportunity to get involved with either or both races. Please join the Badwater 135 Participants / Crew / Pacers group on Facebook if you want to offer to work on a support crew at the Badwater 135. Use the Silver State 508 Facebook page to connect with 508 cyclists. (Do not write to us.)